Left side - Double blazer accent... Cropped blazer combined or actually sewed with the vest... Create a very sexy illusion and shape... Mix with a very sexy skirt... Inspired by fishnet, made with leather and pressed with studded metal...
Right side - Zipper details all over... The skirt is made with a lot of zipper sewed into one...
4 komentar:
this is your loyal customer..
ms. Syela Kusumaatmaja..
i want to leave some comment for my lovely designer..
mr. Bramanta Wijaya..
firstly, i thank 4 the design of jacket, skirt, n long coat..
it was lovely...
i like it...
and then. mmm, let me think first..
hmmm, i think you should have your own line beside chanel, d&g, prada, gucci, and so on hmmm, try to make it in Pacific Place or Senayan City maybe..? hehehe
i hope you'll be the next world's top designer.. hehehe.. but, can i still get ur design 4 free? hahaha..
mmmmm, ndak tau ah blg apalagi..
pokoke aku cintaaaaa bgt ama design2nya....
promosi ni ah..
thanks ko...
nice design..
btw,is there any boys design>??hehehe.. ;p
just in case..kenapa ga design lu..lu plang pake logo yang gede nutupin gambarr..biar ga ditiru..wkwkw.. ;p
gw membuka semua kesempatan bwat siapapun yg mau download design ini en merealisasikan jadi beneran...
kalo udah sent me the picture yaaa...
from mia k
to bramanta w
my sister says he is her lovely design..
and i will say "me too"
ska bgt ma desain spatunya..
baru tau km menjurus ke sepatu jg
pesen buat yang baca atau sekedar ngintip blog ini, klo kalian emg mencari suatu desain dan bgg menyerahkan kepada siapa..
serahkan saja pada bramanta wijaya..
smua dijamin beres, keren, ga ada duanya, cocok buat smua golongan, free pula(itu skarang 29012009) ga tau ntar..
aku udh buktiin!!
sukses y ko..
God bless..
apan desain buat MOC??
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