Sabtu, 31 Januari 2009

Robe de Cocktail pour Mes Anges

Ici, vous êtes mes soeurs... J'espère vous l'aimez... Cordialement, votre styliste... hehehe

Sabtu, 10 Januari 2009

Jacket and Flirty Skirt...

Left side - Double blazer accent... Cropped blazer combined or actually sewed with the vest... Create a very sexy illusion and shape... Mix with a very sexy skirt... Inspired by fishnet, made with leather and pressed with studded metal...
Right side - Zipper details all over... The skirt is made with a lot of zipper sewed into one...

Meet The Most Fashionable Longcoat...

Special design ordered by my loyal customer, ms. Syela...
Enjoy the design... Feel free to ask me...
Thank you ya, Laa...