Minggu, 10 Agustus 2008

Inspired by Big Messy Hair

I just want to make a dress that fit and suitable for big messy hair... Definitely made with chiffon...

Inspired by Sexy Halle Berry

Can you imagine how her curve in this dress...??? wuuuiiiiiihhhhhh... aksen lilit pada gaun akan memberikan efek melangsingkan dan membentuk tubuh...

Inspired by John Galliano Collection

Gak da yang ngelarang lowww kalo seorang designer terinspirasi dari designer lainn... And John Galliano is a very BIG inspiration for me...!!!

Inspired by My Shoe Lace

Potongan2 kain disatukan dengan anyaman tali... Look sporty yet glamourr....

Inspired by Lady Marmalade Video Clip

Those corset and lingerie in Lady Marmalade Video is sooooo fantasticcc.... look at how sexy is their body... It's inspired me so much! I love corset hahahahaha...
Added with drapery accent in the waist line and the tail make it not to bitchy but sexy and classy...

What a busy July...!!

Wuaaaaa...... guyssss..... para penggemar fashion kuww... hehehehe... maapkan daku yang bolong sebulan gak ngepost apa2 nihhh... sesuai judulnya what a busy July sangat sibuknya diriku dari akhir Juni mpe awal agustus ini... Dimulai dari kedatangan sodara2 dari Semarang (rumah kayak mes tentara, kamar isinya ranjang dari ujung sampe ujung wakakakaka...) lanjut ke sodara dari amerika... di tambah sedang ujian akhir smester plus persiapan HUT GKY Sunter....... wuuuiiiiiiii.... tapi smuanya dilalui dengan penuh sukacita kokk...

so... here comes August!!!... and also the new collection...

note: see vibrant eye shadow color... I love it...

Lophhh..... Bram